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2021年 (2021)

, the

will reach US 将达到美国

$ 507.23 ($507.23)

billion. The opportunistic entrepreneurs are striving to reap maximum benefits from this flourishing industry.

十亿。 机会主义的企业家正在努力从这个蓬勃发展的行业中获得最大的收益。


This results in millions of startups entering the software industry. But every story in the IT industry does not have a happy ending. According to the findings of a study, . This means that it requires immense efforts to make a difference in the IT industry.

这导致数以百万计的初创公司进入软件行业。 但是,IT行业中的每个故事都没有一个美好的结局。 根据一项研究的结果,有 。 这意味着需要做出巨大的努力才能在IT行业中有所作为。

The initial foundation of your project has to be robust. In the IT industry, this can be done by working on a unique and innovative software idea. You will have to come up with a fresh idea as something which worked in this dynamic software industry last year will not be sufficient for

您的项目的初始基础必须牢固。 在IT行业中,这可以通过研究独特且创新的软件构想来完成。 您将不得不想出一个新主意,因为去年在这个充满活力的软件行业中工作过的东西不足以

2020年 (2020)


If you have landed on this page then I assume that you are searching for a software idea. Although you will have to develop this idea on your own or with the help of some experienced software developers.

如果您已经登陆该页面,那么我认为您正在搜索一个软件创意。 尽管您将不得不自己或在一些经验丰富的软件开发人员的帮助下发展这个想法。

以下是2020年最佳软件创意清单: (Here is the list of top software ideas for 2020:)

2020#1的软件构想:电子学习软件: (Software ideas for 2020 #1: An e-learning software:)

Education is going digital in the twenty-first century. Have you heard about smart classes or educational apps? These apps are making learning interesting for children. Young entrepreneurs are getting an e-learning app developed to motivate a new way of teaching.

在二十一世纪,教育正在走向数字化。 您听说过智能课堂或教育应用程序吗? 这些应用使孩子们的学习变得有趣。 年轻的企业家正在开发一种电子学习应用程序,以激发一种新的教学方式。


Have you heard about Chromville? It is a popular app that allows children to see the colored figures coming to life. This is fun indeed but it also

您听说过Chromville吗? 这是一个流行的应用程序,使孩子们可以看到彩色的人物栩栩如生。 这确实很有趣,但同时也

便于记忆故事 (facilitates easy memorizing of stories)

. Are you wondering which technology makes such things happen? It is possible with augmented reality that interacts with the real-life elements but does not change reality like VR.

。 您是否想知道哪种技术可以使此类事情发生? 增强现实有可能与现实生活元素互动,但不会像VR那样改变现实。

2020#2的软件构想:医疗保健软件: (Software ideas for 2020 #2: Healthcare software:)

An app that is not related to luxury. It is a need and people of all age groups are depending on healthcare apps in contemporary times. There are a number of healthcare apps ideas among which you can choose.

与奢侈品无关的应用。 这是一种需求,各个年龄段的人都依赖于现代医疗保健应用程序。 您可以选择多种医疗保健应用程序创意。

From an app that calculates the heartbeat, steps walked and sleep taken to the apps that allow patients to consult with doctors while sitting at home, every healthcare app can be made a success if executed appropriately.


2020#3的软件创意:餐饮/餐厅预订软件 (Software ideas for 2020 #3: Food-ordering/ restaurant reservation software)


Do you know according to statistics, more than prefer to go out and eat instead of purchasing a new item? Experiences are more valued in today’s generation.

您是否知道根据统计数字,超过更喜欢外出吃饭而不是购买新物品? 在当今时代,经验更有价值。

Food-ordering apps like


优步吃 (Uber Eats)

are getting great revenues every day. There are multiple ways through which you can earn through these apps. These include advertising, share from restaurants on every order, etc.

每天都获得可观的收入。 您可以通过多种方式通过这些应用赚钱。 这些措施包括广告,按订单从餐馆分享等。

2020#4的软件思路:音频/图像到文本的转换软件 (Software ideas for 2020 #4: Audio/image to text conversion software)

It requires machine learning algorithms to do this task. In the era, where searches are increasingly dependent on voice search, such app ideas are great. You need to get an app developed which is capable of such conversion between audio and text with the help of predetermined formulae and algorithms.

它需要机器学习算法来完成此任务。 在搜索越来越依赖语音搜索的时代,此类应用程序创意很棒。 您需要开发一个应用程序,该应用程序可以借助预定的公式和算法在音频和文本之间进行这种转换。

2020#5的软件构想:电子学习软件:电子预订软件 (Software ideas for 2020 #5: An e-learning software: An e-booking software)

How many times have you booked a ticket/hotel or restaurant table through an app? I think plenty of times especially if we talk about e-ticketing. This again is an app of necessity above luxury. This eases the life of people by many folds.

您通过应用程序预订了多少张票/酒店或餐厅的桌子? 我想很多次,尤其是当我们谈论电子机票时。 再次,这是一个超越奢华的必要应用。 这使人们的生活倍增轻松。


Restaurant table booking apps like OpenTable are doing great in terms of both the popularity and revenue generation. Developing an app like this and attracting their audience is not impossible if you have the right app developers in your approach.

像OpenTable这样的餐厅餐桌预订应用程序在受欢迎程度和创收方面都表现出色。 如果您有合适的应用程序开发人员,那么开发这样的应用程序并吸引他们的受众并非没有可能。

After reading about these


顶级软件创意 (top software ideas)

, you must be looking for ways to work on one of them. In order to change your vision into reality, you can contact an IT consulting company. The consultants working with them will be able to advise according to the requirements.

,您必须寻找其中一种方法。 为了将您的愿景变为现实,您可以联系IT咨询公司。 与他们合作的顾问将能够根据要求提供建议。

Choosing an appropriate software development company from a plethora of companies is not an easy task. Not all renowned companies are right for your project.

从众多公司中选择合适的软件开发公司并非易事。 并非所有知名公司都适合您的项目。

以下是根据其评级,产品组合和建立情况列出的5家软件开发公司的列表: (Here is the list of 5 software development companies based on their ratings, portfolio and establishment:)

Rank 1:



: An award-winning custom software development company



This company has software developers with an average of 5 years of experience with expertise in all major domains, from healthcare to education. They have successfully delivered software projects to over

该公司的软件开发人员平均拥有5年的经验,在从医疗保健到教育的所有主要领域均具有专业知识。 他们已经成功地将软件项目交付给

1400 (1400)



The client retention rate of


97% (97%)

validates their credibility. All the latest technologies like artificial intelligence, AR/VR, IoT, chatbots, etc are all included in their services list. The team at Pixelcrayons is serving a clientele of various industrial domains from all over the world.

验证其信誉。 所有最新技术(如人工智能,AR / VR,物联网,聊天机器人等)都包含在其服务列表中。 Pixelcrayons的团队正在为来自世界各地的各种工业领域的客户提供服务。

They provide complete security by signing a


严格的保密协议 (strict NDA)

and a


100% (100%)

money-back guarantee in case clients are not satisfied. The

如果客户不满意,可退款保证。 的

14 (14)

years of experience in the industry makes them perfect to get a free consultation before starting with a new IT project.


Rank 2:



: Well-known for converting imagination to reality



Mutual Mobile is known for the most efficient business strategists. They possess the capability to align their efforts with your goals which in turn allows them to follow the work practices which are best in the industry.

Mutual Mobile以最高效的业务策略师而闻名。 他们具有使自己的工作与您的目标保持一致的能力,从而使他们能够遵循业界最佳的工作惯例。

The services offered by this organization have the capacity to blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds. Since its foundation, they are known for offering over-the-top software development solutions.

该组织提供的服务具有模糊物理世界和数字世界之间界限的能力。 自成立以来,他们以提供顶级软件开发解决方案而闻名。

Rank 3:



: They have

: 他们有

150+ (150+)

successfully delivered projects in their bucket



From enterprises to startups, this company has served them all. The major point of attraction about this company is its supreme level of software development project ideas. Sp, you can contact them if you are finding it tough to find an apt idea.

从企业到创业公司,这家公司都为他们服务。 该公司的主要吸引力在于其最高水平的软件开发项目构想。 Sp,如果您发现很难找到合适的主意,可以与他们联系。

It was founded in


2010 (2010)

and since then there has been no looking back for their team. This constant growth has allowed them to spread wings across all domains and latest technologies like AI, AR, VR, IoT, blockchain, etc.

从那时起,就再也没有寻找过他们的团队。 这种持续的增长使他们能够在所有领域和最新技术(如AI,AR,VR,IoT,区块链等)上展开翅膀。

Rank 4:



: Treats the idea as the most important parameter while accepting projects.



Appinventiv has an established global name in the IT industry with its physical presence in continents like UK, USA, Dubai, and India. It has a team of strategists, designers, and testers which consists of

Appinventiv在IT行业享有盛誉,在英国,美国,迪拜和印度等大洲均设有办事处。 它有一个策略师,设计师和测试人员团队,包括

250+ (250+)



Their services are well-appreciated by their clients. Moreover, they are known for creative ideas and innovative approaches in the industry. Since its establishment, it has grown to a new level from where it provides supreme support to its clients.

他们的服务受到客户的赞赏。 此外,它们以行业中的创意和创新方法而闻名。 自成立以来,它已从为客户提供最高支持的地方发展到了一个新的高度。

Rank 5:


( )

: A well-known software development company with over


14 (14)

years of experience



This company is providing its services to all domains of industries with the latest technologies like AR, AI, IoT, blockchain, etc. Since its inception in 2004, it has shown remarkable growth.


There is a team of 500+ dexterous professionals in the team of Valuecoders that includes testers, developers, QAs, and designers. When we talk about their service charges, they are quite low but the quality of work is of supreme level.

Valuecoders团队中有500多位灵巧的专业人员,包括测试人员,开发人员,质量保证人员和设计师。 当我们谈论他们的服务费时,他们的费用很低,但是工作质量却是最高水平。

最后的话: (Final words:)

After reading about the top software ideas and software development companies, I hope that you are clear about what you need to set your startup in the IT industry. Making your software project success is not only about software developers but it also requires a creative mind.

在阅读了有关顶级软件构想和软件开发公司的文章之后,我希望您对在IT行业建立起您的初创公司有所了解。 使您的软件项目成功不仅与软件开发人员有关,而且还需要有创造力的头脑。

Hence, make sure you select a partner who has years of experience in your domain. Never run behind a renowned IT consulting company rather join hands with the right company according to your specific requirements.

因此,请确保您选择在您的域中具有多年经验的合作伙伴。 切勿在著名的IT咨询公司后面运行,而应根据您的特定要求与合适的公司携手合作。




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